Pop Open A Bottle Of Bubbly The Safe Way

For most, the countdown on New
Year’s Eve is a raucously good time. For others, it is the final few
seconds of healthy eyesight.

Incorrect popping of champagne corks is one of the most common
holiday-related eye hazards, according to the American Academy of
Ophthalmology, the Eye M.D. Association.

“It’s a sobering thought, but many revelers forget that popping the
cork on a bottle of champagne is a dangerous activity if done incorrectly,”
said Andrew Iwach, M.D., Academy spokesperson. “Every year, warm bottles of
champagne, coupled with bad cork-removal technique, are responsible for
causing serious, blinding injuries.”

Healthy bottle opening tips include:

— Be aware that a recently shaken bottle increases the risk of eye

— Make sure sparkling wine is chilled to at least 45 degrees
Fahrenheit before opening. The cork of a warm bottle is more likely to pop

— Hold down the cork with the palm of your hand while removing the
wire hood. Point the bottle away from yourself and others at a 45-degree

— Place a towel over the entire top and grasp the cork, slowly and
firmly twisting it to break the seal.

— Keep the bottle at a 45-degree angle, hold it firmly with one hand
and use the other hand to slowly turn the cork with a slight upward pull.
Continue until the cork is almost out of the neck. Counter the force of the
cork using slight downward pressure just as the cork breaks free from the

“By following a few simple safety tips, you can make sure your holidays
are festive and injury free,” said Dr. Iwach.

About the American Academy of Ophthalmology

AAO is the world’s largest association of eye physicians and surgeons

— Eye M.D.s — with more than 27,000 members worldwide. Eye health care is
provided by the three “O’s” — opticians, optometrists and
ophthalmologists. It is the ophthalmologist, or Eye M.D., who can treat it
all: eye diseases and injuries, and perform eye surgery. To find an Eye
M.D. in your area, visit the Academy’s Web site at aao.

American Academy of Ophthalmology