Many Contact Lens Wearers Find Their Lenses Uncomfortable, Disruptive When Experiencing Eye-Allergy Symptoms, Survey

For many of the USA’s 38 million contact lens wearers, allergy season can bring tears, and more, to their eyes. At the peak of an especially difficult allergy season, a new survey reveals that more than half (54 percent) of contact lens wearers who suffer from eye-related allergies find it very uncomfortable to wear their lenses while suffering from allergies, leading many to either change their contact lens wearing habits or abandon lens wear until allergy season passes.

Approximately two million allergy sufferers have eye allergies as their primary allergy, according to the Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America. The “Eye on Allergies” survey finds that the vast majority (73 percent) of those who wear contact lenses and suffer from eye allergy symptoms most often cope by either increasing their use of rewetting drops, wearing their lenses less often or removing their lenses during the day. A significant minority (42 percent) say they stop wearing lenses and switch to glasses.

Most respondents report that they currently replace their contact lenses either once every one to two weeks or less frequently. A leading allergy expert says daily disposable contact lenses may be the best alternative for allergy sufferers.

“Allergy sufferers who wear contact lenses that you use for two weeks or more may experience discomfort and symptoms such as ocular itching, tearing and redness when wearing their lenses, because allergens may build up on the lenses over time,” says Leonard Bielory, M.D., professor of Medicine, Pediatrics and Ophthalmology, director, Division of Allergy/Immunology & Rheumatology, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School. “Studies have shown that the use of daily disposable contact lenses, such as 1�DAY ACUVUE� Brand Contact Lenses, may minimize the exposure to allergens and irritants that can often accumulate with repeated use of a single pair of lenses.”

Clinical research has shown that when worn on a daily disposable basis, 1�DAY ACUVUE� may provide improved comfort for two out of three patients suffering from discomfort associated with allergies during contact lens wear compared to their usual two-week lens.

Other major findings from the survey show:

— Seventy-four percent describe themselves as feeling annoyed, frustrated or irritable when it comes to their eye-related allergy symptoms.

— About half of all allergy sufferers (48 percent) say their symptoms keep them from doing things they enjoy.

— Nearly 65 percent of women surveyed say their allergy symptoms impact their appearance in some way – either by causing their make-up to smear/wear off or making them look as if they’re tired or have been crying.

— More than 40 percent say their symptoms cause them to become distracted, unproductive or tired.

— Forty percent have consulted with their ophthalmologist or optometrist about their symptoms, and nearly 15 percent have seen an allergy specialist.

Survey Methodology

A quantitative survey of 500 adult contact lens wearers who suffer from ocular allergies was conducted June 6-9, 2006, using MarketTool’s� ZoomPanel, an online consumer panel. The survey targeted a random sample, representative of the U.S. population, across age (18 and older), sex, ethnic and geographic segments. The “Eye on Allergies” survey, conducted on behalf of the Vistakon� Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc., explores the coping mechanisms of those who suffer from eye-related allergies, no matter the time of year.


ACUVUE� Brand Contact Lenses, the world leader in soft disposable contact lenses, offers 1�DAY ACUVUE�, the healthiest, most convenient way to wear contact lenses. When worn on a daily disposable basis, 1�DAY ACUVUE� provide improved comfort for patients who experience mild discomfort and itching associated with allergies during contact lens wear compared to lenses replaced at intervals of greater than two weeks. Clinical research has shown that when worn on a daily disposable basis, 1�DAY ACUVUE� provided improved comfort for two out of three patients who reported suffering from itching and mild discomfort associated with allergies during contact lens wear.

ACUVUE� Brand Contact Lenses are available by prescription only for vision correction. An eye care professional will determine whether contact lenses are right for individual patients. Although rare, serious eye problems can develop. To help avoid these problems, patients should follow the wear and replacement schedule and the lens-care instructions provided by their eye doctor. Individuals should not wear lenses if they have an eye infection or experience eye discomfort, excessive tearing, vision changes, redness or other eye problems. If one of these conditions occurs, they should contact their eye doctor immediately.

Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Inc.

The VISTAKON� Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc., specializes in disposable contact lens brands, including ACUVUE� ADVANCE Brand Contact Lenses with HYDRACLEAR�, ACUVUE� ADVANCE� Brand Contact Lenses for ASTIGMATISM for people with astigmatism, ACUVUE� Brand and ACUVUE� 2 Brand; 1�DAY ACUVUE� Brand; ACUVUE� Brand BIFOCAL Contact Lenses; ACUVUE� Brand TORIC, and ACUVUE� 2 COLOURS� Brand Contact Lenses.

For more information, visit:
www.acuvue or www.acuvue/seasons/index.htm.

ACUVUE�, ACUVUE� ADVANCE�, HYDRACLEAR�, ACUVUE� OASYS�, ACUVUE� 2 COLOURS� and VISTAKON� are trademarks of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc.

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